Wednesday, October 16, 2019

FindSecBugs officially an OWASP project

Over the years, Find Security Bugs – or FindSecBugs in short – has evolved from a limited static-analysis tool to one with solid coverage of bug patterns. In this post, we will present the latest milestone from the project: arrival in the OWASP family, some figures and details regarding its new release.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Automating local DTD discovery for XXE exploitation

Last month, we presented at Hack In Paris (France) a XML External Entities (XXE) exploitation workshop. It showcase methods to exploit XXE with numerous obstacles. Today, we present our method to exploit XXEs with a local Document Type Declaration (DTD) file. More specifically, how we built a huge list of reusable DTD files.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

ESI Injection Part 2: Abusing specific implementations

Last year, we published a blog post about the injection of ESI tags in pages to fool the web cache proxy, and in August 2018, our colleague Louis Dion-Marcil spoke at Defcon about the discovery of the ESI Injection uncovered by the GoSecure intrusion testing team. For those interested, the presentation has been released on the Defcon YouTube channel. Defcon and Black Hat gave us an opportunity to unveil how ESI implementations can lead to session leakage through the client web browser without any malicious JavaScript. ESI is a specification that defines statements in the form of XML tags that are interpreted by the caching server. Those statements describe the content assembly of web pages by composing various HTML fragments from external resources. An attacker can abuse this mechanism by injecting a malicious tag inside an intercepted web page.